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Trianon Scientific Communication

Co-creating Sustainable Futures through Culture

Ars Electronica 2023

Photo showing, from left to right: Andrew Newman (AT/AU), Andres Colmenares (CO/ES), Audrey-Flore Ngomsik (FR/BE), Mairéad Hurley (IE), Kat Austen (GB/DE)
Andrew Newman (AT/AU), Andres Colmenares (CO/ES), Audrey-Flore Ngomsik (FR/BE), Mairéad Hurley (IE), Kat Austen (GB/DE)

STUDIOTOPIA — Art meets science in the Anthropocene is an initiative that aims to increase collaborations between cultural and research institutions, academia, innovation centers, creatives and citizens. In keeping with the festival theme, both speakers and audiences of the STUDIOTOPIA Day conference program are challenged to reflect creatively and critically about ecological and socio political implications of the Anthropocene.

Following representatives of current best practice projects on stage are key figures of cultural institutions; initiatives debate designing novel interfaces for gathering and disseminating knowledge as well as their roles in reframing (creative) commons and bringing together stakeholders under the umbrella of nurturing coexistence. A panel by guest curators and 2021 Ars Electronica Award for Digital Humanity winners Branch Magazine will focus on how the open movement, craft technology and a sustainable and just internet for all supports communities and action in the creation of alternative climate futures.

Finally, discussions turn to exploring how STEAM activates the collaborative and interdisciplinary potential between science, technology, engineering arts and mathematics that is required to navigate the challenges and environmental crises that our society is currently facing.

Moderation: Geraldine de Bastion (GB/DE)


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